On the phone..on the move..aiyaaa..be carefull lor...

This won't happen to you guys. It's only a REMINDER for me..errrr...REMINDER to all also lah.. :)

She was busy on phone, on the move.
Her head got caught between the doors.
The driver did not notice, until he heard people screaming.

A lesson to be learnt
- don't talk on the phone when you are on the move!! 

~~ C.H.O.W ~~


mykhalis said...

nasib badan

aishareoils said...

ngeri+kelakar..hehe...nk gelak jugak!huu

EnciK AxixOu said...

lorh..hahahah..cm 2 pown boley..xde sensor k pintu 2??

Dzarief Zuhdi said...

pergh.. ganas seyh.. haha

CikRangers (CR) said...

mejuez: ahahaha..ada ka?adoii..awat kami xtau plak kes lawak camtu?wakakkakaa

encik axixou: rasanya mcm xdak je.rapid ada x?

dzarief: hahaahha..gila terlebih ganas dah ni

Mizz Atie Zieya Shukri said...

gila la..bahaya nya