Aduhhh...tengok je iklan satu benda ni terus aku buat aku senyuummmmm dan jatuuhh chentaaa.... Lagi dengan kaler nya yang pink itu.Wow!!! aku nak rembat 1 la..
Nak tau apa benda yang aku dah jatuh chentaaa sangat2 ni..? kalau aku reveal korang jgn la gelak or cakap "eekleh..benda cikai ni pun nak eksaited sangat ke????"..oooo....please dont say like that wokeh. Maybe for orang2 mampu benda ni amat lah cikai. But bagi orang yang taraf sederhana macam aku ni, benda ni sudah cukup buat aku happy (^_^)
haaaa..ini lah dia.. NOKIA C3!!!!!
These new handsets feature full QWERTY keyboards, and enable access to a range of different email accounts, IM communities and social networks.The Nokia C3 is the first device to bring a full QWERTY keyboard to Nokia´s Series 40 platform and is the first in the range to enable access to social networks directly on the homescreen.
People can view, comment, update their status and share pictures to their favourite social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. The Nokia C3 aslo comes with Ovi Mail and Ovi Chat and first time users can set up email and chat accounts straight from the device, without the need for a pc.
Eeven ada orang cakap yang phone ni takde la canggih sangat even design dia dah macam BlackBerry, bukan SmartPhone bagai, tapi bagi aku its still a cool phone. Untuk spec phone ni, please click here:
nokia c3 specYela,kalo nak compare price dia for only RM520 (maybe can get lower than this), i think this phone still worth to buy. Aku rasa maybe Nokia buat phone ni untuk target middle rank people la. Termasuk aku.huhuhuh..nak beli Cek Berry mahal koo..mana nak mampu.Yang ni pun ok la.Leh guna call sini call sana sudah la. Cuma phone ni kureng sikit sebab takdak 3G je. ( nfon aku yang skarang ni pun memang takdak cikai gak)hiihihi..
Aku tak nak yang kaler macam kat atas tu. Tapi aku nak kaler ni!!!

Cantik kan..kan..kan..????? Bila agak nya bonus nak masuk ni?ke ada sesapa yang nak seponsor??wakakaka.. hurrmm...
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